The Essence of Cunnilingus cunnilingusbliss:

Desire is the essence of eating pussy. And with it, awe and reverence and lust. There is no guide, only her wishes — and your hunger. You gotta love it — pure and simple ! Kneel at the altar of Venus and bow your head in reverence — before raising your eyes to her secret shrine. Gaze in rapture at this elegant masterpiece of lewd erotic beauty. Breathe hot and slow on her cunt — and inhale her magical intoxicating aroma. Kiss the sacred offering before you — and be halfway to heaven. Nuzzle her mound and sniff lie a hungry hound with tongue lolling out. Taste her swollen honeyed lips and swallow her sweet slippery juice. Slurp like a ravenous grunting beast and gorge on the dearest morsel of the earth. Hum passionately when she moans in pleasure. Tremble when she blesses you with squeals and convulsions. Taste her sweet sacrament for a few moments before swallowing, and don’t spill a drop. Bask in the warm glow of cerebral gratification.

Poetic musings from a fellow blogger. #cunnilingus #eating #licking #pussy #vulva #lecken #lick #eat #muschilecken #fittslickning #cunnilingio #fare #faire #minou #lecher #beffen #cunilíngua #vulvas #vulve #pussies #muschi #sexuality #sex #sexo #seks #sexe #sesso
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