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Can you guess all the Girls Rock Power in here? I’ll give you the first name from the bottom: Lilly, from my upcoming Goth Ghost Girl comicbook. #music #women #that #rock #cartoon #comics #art #girlpower #rock #gwen #stefani #joan #jett #the #cranberries #dolores #o'riordan #shirley #manson #the #distillers #brody #dalle #yeah #yeah #yeahs #karen #o #republica #noodle #gorillaz #punk #rock #garbage #girls
Can you guess all the Girls Rock Power in here? I’ll give you the first name from the bottom: Lilly, from my upcoming Goth Ghost Girl comicbook. #music #women #that #rock #cartoon #comics #art #girlpower #rock #gwen #stefani #joan #jett #the #cranberries #dolores #o'riordan #shirley #manson #the #distillers #brody #dalle #yeah #yeah #yeahs #karen #o #republica #noodle #gorillaz #punk #rock #garbage #girls