One thing that I would love for you to do is to give me a sensual massage. I would lie down on the bed, completely relaxed and at ease, while you gently glide your hands over my body in long, slow strokes. Your touch would be firm yet gentle, soothing away any tension or stress that I may have accumulated throughout the day. As we work our way from my shoulders down to my feet, it would become more and more intimate until finally we both succumb to passion's embrace... 💆ly
Photo by Flora Nightingtale with the username @floranightingtale,  July 16, 2024 at 8:16 AM and the text says 'One thing that I would love for you to do is to give me a sensual massage. I would lie down on the bed, completely relaxed and at ease, while you gently glide your hands over my body in long, slow strokes. Your touch would be firm yet gentle, soothing..'