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“why do you wear all that makeup, I prefer the natural look”

It is eventually of course always the decision of the wearer. This is not up for debate, but I’d like to raise discussion on intentions:
That italics I certainly does not apply to all saying that. For some assholes the whole point may very well be that it isn’t pleasing them, the question remaining only a rhetoric device. But for some the self is only used as an example to arouse wonder about the phenomenon more widely, and the questions are actually looking for an answer: "Why do you do that? Just because you like? Social pressure? You put so much time and effort on it, but still sometimes stress about it; I find that odd. I don’t have experience nor do I understand why you do it. There are so many questions, and I want to understand you better.” I have certainly done the latter myself and would never even consider doing the former because that would be simply rude, and, thus, rules it out for me. Also, questions are for finding new information, don’t waste tem on mockery! (Interesting, although irrelevant for my case, is that my views on make-up have changed a lot over the years after meeting new, very interesting people. <3)My point: taking all that wonder and being honestly inquisitive (even if the focus of the first words sadly resembles the asshole way and could perhaps be made better) as only an attempt to belittle someone’s decisions misses a chance to teach someone, improve understanding. And it also feels damn horrible when you’re really excited and interested about something and people start mocking you about selfishness instead.If only people could interpret each other better to rule out more false positives. ;_; #makeup #make-up #understanding #people #mockery #potentially #false #accusations #per #situation #learning
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first day in my journey This is for my understanding. I am a man, who loves his wife dearly, and have discovered that what turns me on and her are not the same. I need to learn her. I know that all women are not the same, but perhaps there are significant issues I can learn. I value your contributions and insights. Please help all of us men know what turns you on. submissions welcomed and needed. #turn #on #women #and #men #submissions #marriage #understanding ... See more
The Day We Rise by Tony James If you don’t understand my words it is cause you are to innocent to know their purpose. You don’t need to make sense of it if your innocent anyway, over time all will be revealed and nothing will be the same when it is. All that matters is I have seen what is to come and it cannot be avoided. There’s a storm coming. This is merely the calm before it… Do not be alarmed though, you have nothing to fear at this time. We’re not even ready yet however, we will be ready…For now all we can do is prepare ourselves to rise to the occasion… on that day truth alone will be what sets us free and all the worlds secrets shall finally be known… Then and only then will the worlds real heros surface, for now they just wait as we do…
The Fate of the World depends on it….for that is the day we rise, that is the day silence will fall and everything we don’t understand will revealed… 
#Rise #wisdom #wise #words #doomsday #justice #peace #fate #understanding #unity #world #changers #words #to #remember #secrets #lies #true #statements #truths #true #quotes #facts #of #life #liberty #American #Life #people #of #the #world
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If I was a Bad Person by Tony James If I was a bad person, I would have sent you to others for advicewithout offering my own. 
If I was a bad person,I would have seen you were lonely and done nothing to change it. If I was a bad person, I would have watched as you died, knowing I could have helped you and been forever at your side.  If I was a bad person, I would have drowned in such shame, knowing cause of my actions, I was to blame. If I was a bad person, I would have treated you badly, wondering how could a human behave so sadly.If I was a bad person, I would never have prayed,as you became like a ghost, beginning to fade.If I was a bad person, I would never have loved you, for all that you are and for what others don’t see. If I were a bad person,I would not have told the truth.I would not have given advice, to the ones we call youth. 
I dont care if it’s hard, I’ll give it a shot.For A hero should be remembered, they should not forgot.  Their words should be heard, more often than not.And you should be thankful for the things that you got.  I’m not a bad person, I did what felt right.So that’s why I don’t let you out of my sight. I’m not quite an angel but I’ll help if I can.For I’m not a young boy, I’m a full grown man. I don’t want you to struggle, all I want for you is the best.So each day I pray, that I pass God’s great test.  For I fear the day, that my gift can’t keep giving, as so many people will not be left living. I don’t want them to die, for I feel their pain.I want them them to live, they have so much to gain.I get on my knees, And To God as I pray, I think of the things, that I just need to say.All that potential they have, I don’t want them to waste it.  The success you speak of, I want them to taste it. I want them to know, that your dreams can come true. And that life is not short, there is so much to do.   #Poetry #for #Children #poets #on #tumblr #inspiration #suicide #prevention #love #quotes #prayers #emotions #stories #truth #Integrity #love #unity #understanding #God #Religion #Religious #Quotes #Morality #wise #words #must #read #society #wisdom #wise #people #TalesofMiseryandMayhem #Powerful #Quotes #faith #hope #dreams #hopes #kindness #potential
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