It is true that a lot of us women are not good with actual measurements. Centemters or Inches are a mystery and some men will take advantage of this; here is a quick example -

A couple were at a big party, the boy friend was over at the food tables when his girlfriend found him. She seemed perplexed, "Hon what's something that is about six inches long?" He looked around desperately and picks up a cocktail franfurt, "These are six inches long," he tells her and a small smile appears and she says that's good. He asks her why and she replies that it was something she just heard and picks up a frankfurt. Looking at it closely she tells him that he is almost that size which is about average for a penis. He gains confidence about her naivity and feeling cocky he says, "No I think you'll find I'm the same length. She sighs and says, "I guess you're right" and then pops the franfurt to her mouth. It is in between her lips for a couple of seconds, then she pulls it out and says, "But you're definitely a lot thinner!"
Photo by DTF Couple with the username @lisasean91,  February 8, 2022 at 7:32 PM. The post is about the topic Married & Keeping It Real! and the text says 'It is true that a lot of us women are not good with actual measurements. Centemters or Inches are a mystery and some men will take advantage of this; here is a quick example -

A couple were at a big party, the boy friend was over at the food tables..'