
mariaaliveVerified Star added a photo to the album Mariaphilia. OC · Edited

From fit girl [121lbs] to thick girl [152lbs] [ Check this gif on DeviantArt! It was too large to upload here :(… ] I found my first YouTube clip so I was finally
able to do the comparison! I’m still very satisfied about my weight
gain, I used to be very athletic, exercising 5 to 6 days a week,
running, weight lifting and physical labor. A year has passed and all I exercise now is my booty with squats a few times a week…and my jaws more then ever .I
want to thank everyone
Photo by mariaalive with the username @mariaalive, who is a star user,  July 7, 2017 at 8:09 AM and the text says 'From fit girl [121lbs] to thick girl [152lbs] [ Check this gif on DeviantArt! It was too large to upload here :(… ] I found my first YouTube clip so I was finally 
able to do the comparison! I’m still very satisfied about my weight 
gain, I..'