She moved around the bed and I could see that she intended to make herself more comfortable.

Whilst I remained on my knees she collected the pillows and formed them into a pile in the centre of the bed.

She smiled at the look of confusion on my face only to see it replaced by an expression of apprehension as she slowly folded herself over the pile; she snuggled down leaving her behind raised up high.

I stayed frozen in place, my mouth dry. The inference of this new posture was all too obvious but surely this was not her expectation?

"Don't keep me waiting."

Once again, she said so much with so few words. Her tone not only confirmed her presumption it made it clear that there could be no demur.

It was a outlandish proposition, any sane person would see how demeaning it was, but I was already slowly moving up onto the bed.

Her body was positioned in such a way that her tight cheeks lay open and in, some perverse manner, I was pleased to see a tiny blemish, an almost faded spot, which confirmed that she was not a total Goddess.

It was an irrational thought but more than that a dissimulation as I tried to come to terms with my feelings.

I had to make an effort to shift my gaze up over the smooth contours and then down into the shallow valley where a new shock awaited. The hair that flourished on her sex formed a classical triangle which only came to a point beyond her well formed rosette. Even here it was immaculately shaved into shape, making me wonder not only who offered such a service but, more to the point, what were the expectations of a woman that paid to have this done.

The only conclusion I could draw was that I was far from being the first and that she enjoyed making herself an object of adoration.

It should have been off-putting, but, in fact, it had a primal beauty which resonated deep within me. The rosette itself was a tight pink elliptical crater which was already thinly sheened with perspiration and I could not resist its Siren call.

As I drew ever closer I felt almost feverish and my heart was tripping. I put out my tongue, hesitating in a now or never moment, and then I licked.

My first impression was one of strength. There was no softness or yielding. Her muscles were tensed and as my tongue explored the open cleft I was aware of the taut smoothness of her skin.

I licked along the whole length, my tongue registering a salty, slightly musty, taste, but it was quickly diluted by my own saliva and, as I grew more confident, it disappeared altogether.

I continued to lick slowly in a series of long strokes from the base of her sex to the sharp point of the sculpted triangle and I was thrilled when Agnetha gave a groan of obvious contentment.

My own sex was making its demands and I felt a lazy trickle of moisture on my inner thigh; what I was doing might be considered degrading but I had never felt more aroused. The urge to touch myself was growing but, for now, my whole world was bounded by those two perfect hemispheres.

Without conscious thought I began to make each stroke a little shorter and soon I was entirely focused on the rosette itself. I was fascinated by its ribbed texture which seemed designed to draw me ever inwards.

This was the final taboo but any qualms I might have had had now evaporated.

I pointed my tongue and dipped it experimentally into the very heart but it was totally unyielding - and then I understood. She could have relaxed, with her obvious experience she could have made it easy, but she wanted me to work for it.

I placed my hands gently on her cheeks and at the same time I applied my mouth tightly over the opening. After a momentary pause I braced my tongue once more and then, with a strength born of some ancient animal urge, I began to push.

For long seconds it seemed impossible but then I felt a tiny easing and the tip of my tongue gained a hard won couple of millimeters. It was now being nipped painfully but I held fast and then, with one final effort, I was through.

My tongue slipped inside, deeper than I thought possible, and I heard her gasp.

We remained still, as we both came to terms, and then I flexed my tongue in a tentative exploration. The opening was extremely tight but the constriction was strangely comforting. Following my instincts I withdrew almost all the way and then probed once more and this time it was a lot easier.

Much to my surprise the taste was clean. I realized she had prepared for this and this further evidence that she knew me better than I knew myself made me uneasy.

I began to move my tongue rhythmically in and out and I was pleased when she started to urge me on.

"e per."

At last I felt that I was gaining a little control and this seemed borne out by the fact that the air was again heavy with the scent of her arousal. Now, with each new thrust, I groaned with effort, and her body began to rock as she matched my rhythm...

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Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste,  January 18, 2024 at 11:52 PM. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge and the text says 'She moved around the bed and I could see that she intended to make herself more comfortable.

Whilst I remained on my knees she collected the pillows and formed them into a pile in the centre of the bed.

She smiled at the look of confusion on my face..'