Dana in turn reached out with her right hand, sliding it first up along Carolyn's leg, and then under the folds of her dress. A surge of excitement filled the brunette as she felt the fingers of that hand brush across her damp cloth-covered mound, an exhilaration that repeated with even greater intensity as Dana pushed Carolyn's panties off to the side and repeated the gesture directly against her clitoris.

"Oh God," Carolyn gasped.

"Feels nice, doesn't it?" Dana whispered into Carolyn's ear.

"Oh yes," Carolyn replied in the same hushed tone.

"How long has it been since anyone touched you there?" Dana asked as she again ran her fingertips along the length of Carolyn's sex.

It was a question that Carolyn didn't seem to have a ready answer to, which told Dana more than words. If you had to think about it, she believed, it had been far too long.

"Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" Dana then suggested.

Carolyn didn't have to be asked twice and they untangled themselves quickly, rising to their feet once they had. Then, taking the younger woman by the hand, Dana led her toward her boudoir.

Although the room had been decorated with the same attention to detail as the rest of the apartment, Carolyn gave the period-specific surroundings little notice as she entered the bedroom. Save of course for the large king size bed in the center of the room, the vastness of which suggested that few were the nights that Dana slept alone.

Yet it wasn't the bed that Dana led Carolyn to, but a large oval mirror on the far wall. Once Carolyn was standing in front of it, Dana moved behind her, the space between their bodies barely enough to measure.

"You doubted yesterday that you were pretty enough to be in pictures," Dana said as she ran her hands along the exposed parts of Carolyn's arms. "I want you to see how wrong you are. To see yourself as I see you, sexy and beautiful."

With that, Dana slid her fingers through Carolyn's long hair, moving it off to the side to expose the zipper of the dress beneath. Grasping the tiny slider, she lowered it slowly, exposing the smooth naked skin beneath the olive cloth.

As the outfit grew slack against Carolyn's body, Dana brought her hands to the brunette's shoulders and eased the top of her dress downward, just far enough to expose the top of her breasts. Then she slid a hand along the valley between them, caressing the supple flesh.

A soft but audible sigh from Carolyn brought another hand into play as Dana then cupped the underside of the brunette's left breast, squeezing it softly. The right breast followed as Carolyn's moans grew louder, reaching a peak as Dana pulled the dress further down, releasing it once it was low enough to fall to Carolyn's waist of its own volition.

Again bringing her hands upward, Dana wrapped them around Carolyn's mounds, this time undoing the metal clasp that held the twin hemispheres of her bra together. Once undone, the support garment lost all tension, falling down her arms until it was discarded in a quick motion...
Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste,  February 13, 2024 at 9:33 AM. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge and the text says 'Dana in turn reached out with her right hand, sliding it first up along Carolyn's leg, and then under the folds of her dress. A surge of excitement filled the brunette as she felt the fingers of that hand brush across her damp cloth-covered mound, an..'