More posts by qwerty1400

Album by qwerty1400 with the username @qwerty1400,  May 2, 2022 at 1:49 AM. The post is about the topic Amateurs and the text says 'Street hooker outfit, chapter 2. Imagine you find my wife walking the street, dressed like this. How would you approach her? How would you use her for your satisfaction?'
Post by qwerty1400
Album by qwerty1400 with the username @qwerty1400,  April 29, 2022 at 10:57 PM. The post is about the topic Amateurs and the text says 'It's now time to show her without clothes. Which fantasies does she inspire to you?'
Post by qwerty1400
Album by qwerty1400 with the username @qwerty1400,  April 23, 2022 at 12:58 PM. The post is about the topic Amateurs and the text says 'Topless wife: do you like her tits?'
Post by qwerty1400
Album by qwerty1400 with the username @qwerty1400,  April 12, 2022 at 7:52 PM. The post is about the topic Amateurs and the text says 'Wife dressed as a street hooker.
Want to comment her and get additional photos? l1400l1400@'
Post by qwerty1400
Album by qwerty1400 with the username @qwerty1400,  April 8, 2022 at 6:16 AM. The post is about the topic Amateurs and the text says 'My wife presentation. Do you like her?'
Post by qwerty1400

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Posted in topic MILF


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