sexualdreamer in topic Erotic women
"My summer vacation had started with my last final exams.most of these days i spent alone at home or i went to the beach depending of my neighbour availability. yes, unfortunately my mom didnt want to let me alone during the day while she went to work. dispite my 23 years old i needed someone to watch me. so my mom always ask Katherine, our front neighbour.
One lovely day, the heat was so unbearable that i was just with some shorts that i use to sleep. i was at the couch, seeing some tv. Katherine was doing some chores around. i eard some noises upstairs, and went to see what was it.
when i faced the stairs, i was suddenly hit by surprise with Katherine, sitting on the stairs completely naked.
-why you are so surprised! you love to watch my boobs when you think am distracted.
"My summer vacation had started with my last final exams.most of these days i spent alone at home or i went to the beach depending of my neighbour availability. yes, unfortunately my mom didnt want to let me alone during the day while she went to work. dispite my 23 years old i needed someone to watch me. so my mom always ask Katherine, our front neighbour.
One lovely day, the heat was so unbearable that i was just with some shorts that i use to sleep. i was at the couch, seeing some tv. Katherine was doing some chores around. i eard some noises upstairs, and went to see what was it.
when i faced the stairs, i was suddenly hit by surprise with Katherine, sitting on the stairs completely naked.
-why you are so surprised! you love to watch my boobs when you think am distracted.