More posts by sharingintimacy

Photo by sharingintimacy with the username @sharingintimacy,  September 25, 2020 at 3:19 PM. The post is about the topic Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality and the text says 'Embrace your truth and welcome you into my mouth, discover your gentleness under a surface of strength and power, what a grace'
Post by sharingintimacy
Photo by sharingintimacy with the username @sharingintimacy,  September 9, 2020 at 2:11 AM. The post is about the topic Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality and the text says 'As close as we can get in the middle of the night
Half-asleep, finding our way back to each other'
Post by sharingintimacy
Photo by sharingintimacy with the username @sharingintimacy,  September 3, 2020 at 12:27 AM. The post is about the topic Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality and the text says 'Let's disappear into each other into the blue night'
Post by sharingintimacy
Photo by sharingintimacy with the username @sharingintimacy,  August 30, 2020 at 1:05 PM. The post is about the topic Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality and the text says 'secret, sacred rendezvous'
Post by sharingintimacy
Photo by sharingintimacy with the username @sharingintimacy,  August 30, 2020 at 12:57 PM. The post is about the topic Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality and the text says 'I don't know him
I've never seen his face
He asked me to draw him
He sent some photos
He wanted to be seen
He said it helped him feel less alone, I was happy I could offer him that'
Post by sharingintimacy
Photo by sharingintimacy with the username @sharingintimacy,  August 19, 2020 at 2:01 AM. The post is about the topic Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality and the text says 'Every sexual act can be offered with love.
Facing this fear by drawing the uncomfortable act
brought forth a deeper understanding
more passion, and more tenderness between us'
Post by sharingintimacy

This post was posted by sharingintimacy in topic:

Posted in topic Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality

Drawing Intimacy and Sexuality

30 Members · 15 Posts