Jeffrey Rossman is a homosexual sissy faggot queer from Fairfield County in Connecticut being exposed over the internet so people who know him will find out what he has been hiding all these years. Yes, Jeffrey wants people to know he has always had a special place in his heart for desirable and well endowed boys with whom he can be comfortable doing for boys what all they enjoy most from faggots like Jeffrey. People who know Jeffrey don`t know he always wears panties and pantyhose under his boy trousers and that his legs are always kept smooth, soft and hairless. Not only that, but he removed all his body hair and has very nice and developed breasts which can easily fill his bra without the need of inserts.

Jeffrey frequently visits women`s clothing stores and is often seen by women shoppers as he picks through leggings, panties, bras, pantyhose, etc. Nothing can be more frightening than to out yourself as you really look so you can be more easily recognized by people who may know you and you are not able to hide under makeup, wig or be dressed as a girl. I have no place to hide, run or deny anything once this is posted. Just hiding in plain sight, people will see me and know Jeffrey Rossman from Connecticut is a homosexual sissy faggot.

But then again, there is something almost magical when I am out with a boy who knows I am a sissy faggot as he fondles me underneath my skirt and feels my panties and pantyhose and when I turn to face him, I see he has an erection. And then he takes my hand to his zipper and has me pull down his trousers and when he steps out of his pants, I see the hard bulge in his underwear. He has me slide his underwear off and then his hard penis is facing me. And, of course, I am on my knees as he firmly places his hands behind my head and guides me to his penis which fills my mouth as I lick, suck, and stoke his manhood. And the best thing is when he keeps his hands on the back of my head so I cannot escape having my mouth filled with his hot cum and then being made to swallow it all. All to prove to him that I am all the sissy faggot any alpha male would want.
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Watch the Photo by sissyfagleah with the username @sissyfagleah, who is a verified user, posted on November 10, 2023. The post is about the topic Real Name Exposed. and the text says 'Jeffrey Rossman is a homosexual sissy faggot queer from Fairfield County in Connecticut being exposed over the internet so people who know him will find out what he has been hiding all these years. Yes, Jeffrey wants people to know he has always had a..'