Modern Sluts - How to say goodbye menaregod:

Leaving the house is done with a smile and cheery “See you later” for most couples, but for the modern Slut that is not appropriate.
Even here, with such a simple gesture, the Modern Slut wants you to demonstrate your dominance.
It is simple then to replace the traditional farewell when leaving the house with one that is more suited to the Modern Slut.  A firm face slap that will sting long after you have gone is good, as is spitting in her mouth.No need to speak, no need explain.  Just call her over, spit in her mouth and then leave.  Or an ass slap, a face slap, a nipple twist, they are all good.
And if your slut doesn’t have to leave the house until you return, you can go one better and rather than spitting in her mouth you can spit on her face and as you leave casually tell her she isn’t allowed to wipe it off until you get back.

The best good byes are like this

Pure genius…like why isn’t this a standard practice??? #serving #the #patriarchy #in #my #place #proper #way #to #say #goodbye