Tumblr SEO Tips - 9 Rules to increase your page ranks
Tumblr claims to be “Google optimized” and “as friendly as can be to search engines”, which are two different things. Tumblr is search engine friendly but it isn’t really that well optimized. And that’s ok, the way it’s designed isn’t meant to be. If you’re creating a blog for something where search engine optimization is really important, that is you’re trying to compete in search results on some topic, then you should go with a more flexible (therefore more complex) platform like WordPress. That being said, Tumblr is awesome, so here’s some tips for improving your SEO on Tumblr.
Roughly ordered by importance. Different themes may vary.
1. Optimize your page titles
Reverse the order in which titles are displayed on individual post pages, so that the post title displays first, followed by your blog name, i.e. “SEO for Tumblr | liberator sex furniture” is done with the following:
<title>{block:SearchPage}, Search results for: {SearchQuery}{/block:SearchPage}{block:PostSummary}{PostSummary} | {/block:PostSummary}{Title}</title>
2. Make your post titles h1’s
Find the {block:Text} area and change the <div class=”title”> to <h1>:
You’ll probably need to edit the CSS for your h1 (or create one), just copy the .title class.
3. Make your post titles permalinks to the post
We just made the post titles h1’s, so now make the {Title} a link that points to {Permalink} like so:
{block:Title}<h1><a href=”{Permalink}”>{Title}</a></h1>{/block:Title}
This is also good usability, lots of blogs link the title to the post page. You can edit the CSS so it doesn’t change the appearance, and add a “hover” state.
4. Set custom posts URLs
This one’s easy: when creating a new post you can set a custom URL in the right sidebar options. Tumblr automatically replaces spaces with hyphens for you.
5. Use heading tags in your posts
Go into the HTML editor to use heading tags <h2>, <h3> for headings in a post if it makes sense for your content. Style these to your liking using CSS.
6. Link to yourself in the footer
Add a link in the footer* with your site name that’s linked back to your blog, e.g.
<a href=”http://www.yourblog.com”>Your Blog Name</a>
 *Most sites have some stuff in the footer, it just feels right. Studies by Google on their homepage actually showed that visitors didn’t realize the page was loaded without the copyright text in the footer.
7. XML sitemaps
Tumblr automatically generates XML sitemaps of your blog located at yourblog.tumblr.com/sitemap1.xml
You can add this sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools to ensure Google crawls all your pages, plus you can see other useful info, crawl errors, etc.
8. Add image alt tags
Use relevant, descriptive image alt tags for each photo you upload, for example, add something like this using the HTML editor:
<img src=”tumblr/somewhere/liberator-sex-furniture.jpg” alt=”liberator sex furniture” />
Also good for accessibility and standards compliance.
9. Consider making photo posts “text” posts
Unlike photo posts, text posts have headings and title tags which are important. But it’s a matter of personal preference, if you like the the photo post slideshow viewer for multiple pics, and/or the lack of title, go for it. But if you want to better optimize your photos, do it as a text post.
Regardless, name your photos descriptively using hyphens (rather than underscores, or nothing) as separators for words, e.g. “liberator-sex-furniture.jpg”.
Make a post about Tumblr SEO, using all these search engine optimization tips for Tumblr. 
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