I discovered what motivates me the most to act and move forward – recognition!

I spent the whole listing games for sale and didn't get them all up: there were uncertainties, angry comments, the website didn't show the photos.

But as soon as I received the first message from a buyer, magic happened! Motivation at 3000, all problems solved, mood lifted, and even the website got fixed and started showing the photos properly.

It's the same with studios or any other work.
All it takes is just one just one client, to make me believe in myself. For that one client, I can magically fix and solve things that might have been left untouched for a month 😃

How interesting!
Photo by JennyBiatch with the username @thejennybiatch, who is a verified user,  July 23, 2024 at 11:01 AM and the text says 'I discovered what motivates me the most to act and move forward – recognition!

I spent the whole  listing games for sale and didn't get them all up: there were uncertainties, angry comments, the website didn't show the photos...'