tindrastoes in topic Lesbian ·
I have definitely been frequenting the wrong massage parlours. This one is in Prague, so its a bit of a jaunt but if you can find it then ask for a sexy little masseuse called Lady Bug. Admittedly the likelihood is that she will sit on your face until she cums but she has a lovely little bum ;-) Don't take my word for it, ask the gorgeous Tindra Frost who can vouch for Lady Bugs essential massaging skills and tell you how sweet her gorgeous little cunt tastes... after all she was eating it for long enough - https://www.massagerooms.com/
Tindra is filming custom video's today 💖 If you would like to order a personalised video then message Tindra on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tindrafrost/
Or email - tindra.bookings@gmail.com
Louise XxX
I have definitely been frequenting the wrong massage parlours. This one is in Prague, so its a bit of a jaunt but if you can find it then ask for a sexy little masseuse called Lady Bug. Admittedly the likelihood is that she will sit on your face until she cums but she has a lovely little bum ;-) Don't take my word for it, ask the gorgeous Tindra Frost who can vouch for Lady Bugs essential massaging skills and tell you how sweet her gorgeous little cunt tastes... after all she was eating it for long enough - https://www.massagerooms.com/
Tindra is filming custom video's today 💖 If you would like to order a personalised video then message Tindra on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tindrafrost/
Or email - tindra.bookings@gmail.com
Louise XxX