Shared by Barbagallo
GYM SLUTS ./gymsluts
7.47K Followers 358 Posts
I am Ingrid and at the GYM every morning when I 'show-a-little' I get kissed and fondled and lovingly pleasured for hours, and I get more good healthy 'vigorous' screwing and loving then any horny young Girl could ever ask for, ALL the horny young men and bi-Girls there know that I DO have endless, powerful, natural, multiple-orgasms and they ALL lovingly take-advantage-of and ENJOY 'helping-me-out' with my sexual 'special-needs' condition, hour after hour, they are ALL so sweet and DO love me so, LUV Ingrid
Fit body
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Fattest, juiciest and cutest booty in the gym 🏆
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